It's day 10 Everybody!
It's day 10 Y'ALL!
I can't believe I made it! I made it. Oh my goodness, no one can tell me anything today! I made it to day 10! Praise Him. Through whom all blessings flow. I couldn't have made it without Him. He is awesome!
Okay so now the big decision. Do I continue? More on that train of thought later . . .
So I started off the morning with the tea, piece of cake. I went back to old faithful today and made the daily mix with lemons instead of limes. Hmmm I believe that I prefer limes. But that's just me. So I make the mix and hit the road.
A few months back I totaled my Honda Accord. Oh she was beautiful you guys. 1997 Special Edition Champagne . . . I miss her. Well, I don't know if anyone has ever had the privilege of having to shop for a car on a budget but it's the pits. I finally decided to pay someone else to do it. I hired a broker. (I know who does that right?) A car broker, I had never heard of such till about two weeks ago. Well today I can say that I am the proud owner of a 2003 Black EX Honda Accord. . . oh I am so happy that I hired someone else to do it. He was able to acquire the vehicle for just 9 thousand . . . that's a 15 thousand dollar car! What! God is awesome. Period!
Well on my way back from the brokers office nearly 4 hours from the time I had originally drank the tea, it went into affect. Oh no! I'm a long ways from home and I'm the girl who hates to use public restrooms. (Yes that's me!) So I stop at a local grocery store to use their restroom which happen to have a bottle of Clorox clean up in every stall! (Yes!) I don't think I have ever cleaned a toilet so fast in my life. They should have put me on payroll.
Now I'm asking myself, why am I having solid bm's on the 10th day? That's not right? Well I have a confession to make. As you may have noticed through previous posts I was not consistent with the SWF. C'mon it's the SWF that is the worst! I mean you have to be part masochist to do that thing everyday. I felt like I was truly one every time I filled that wretched Powerade Option bottle. Oh, I don't think I can ever look at one of those bottles the same ever again I tell ya and I use to love Powerade Option.
Which brings me to the question of should I continue on. Really you guys I began the cleanse for spiritual reasons and I have truly been fulfilled in that area. So I have decided to not continue the fast. I will say that the next time I do this fast I will be better prepared.
- I will buy the lemons and limes in bulk!
- I will also acquire the organic maple syrup online in advance. (So much cheaper than the local health food store.)
- I will invest in a water dispenser! I was buying 2.5 gallons almost every other day!
- I will force myself to be more consistent with the SWF and tea.
- Oh and I will buy Cottonelle and Clorox Clean up wipes (for those days when I just can't get home on time!)
To those individuals who have chosen to use the cleanse for weight loss purposes I can say that I did weigh myself for the first time today. I had made a promise to myself that I would not do so until the last day. Surprisingly I had a total weight loss of 11 lbs. I must admit I was impressed but I tried not to become to attached to that number because I know that I will be gaining at least half of that back sometime in the near future.
Well that's all for today. Looking forward to tomorrow . . .
I can taste that orange juice now! MMmmm-mmmm good!
One more thing I want to give a quick shout out to Ms. Hawa K. Bond and everyone over there at the Yahoo Master Cleanse Group
For anyone interested in this fast they have, hands down, the best support group on the net. Period!
1 comment:
I'm honored at the shot out! I must say, the Yahoo group is a HUGE support... especially when you're surrounded by nay-sayers at home.
Earlier this morning, I was typing a "shot out" of my own. Your blog is featured at my blog as a place to go for a great first cleanse journal/experience.
Stay in touch! I'm cleansing in January. I hope to see you at the Yahoo group when you decide to cleanse again.
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