Sunday, December 3, 2006

Day 3

Day 3, DAY 3, day three.

I had to say it at least three times because today was the worst! There was nothing charmed about day 3. Where do I begin, oh I ran out of syrup! Yeah how about that, didn't get a chance to make the tea because I was running late for work. Oh and I was having the worst cramps of my life.

Ladies, once again I warn you be mindful of the date you begin the cleanse. Do not, I repeat do not begin the cleanse anywhere near that time of the month!

I really tried to be a purist about this whole fast but around 5 p.m. I just had to take some aleve. I was dying!

Oh, and one more thing since I had missed my tea this morning and the swf yesterday I decided to be a rocky and do a swf when I got home from work. That was at 2:30 it's now 6:45 and I am still feeling the effects. I can't believe it has been over 4 hours! This is killing me. I have seven more days . . . Please God give me the strength . . . or at least let this aleve kick in. Preferably both!

I'm skippin' the tea tonight. I think I've had enough flushing for one day!

But outside of all the drama with my body. There is still no hunger pains. I was a little weak today but that was only because I didn't have the right amount of syrup in the mix. Once I got that straight I was golden. I even went out in my yard and picked up pecans for an hour. Surprisingly I have alot energy.

The weirdest thing though, when I do crave foods, it's foods I never ever eat. Today I craved curry chicken, coconut rice and a squash medley! What's up with that?

Something to look forward to I guess. Especially that squash medley mmm-mmm-good!

Well I guess that's it for day 3, on to day 4. Almost halfway there (sigh) yeah!

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